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CardExchange® Gateway


To use the Client with a MySQL database, each Client will have to be configured for that. The location of the database is set in the CardExchange® Gateway Configuration file.


This CardExchange.Gateway.exe.config file is located in the installation directory you selected during the installation, typically this would be:


C:\Program Files (x86)\CardExchange Solutions\CardExchange Gateway\ by default.




You can open and edit this file using Notepad but for files structures like these, we advice to use the free tool Notepad++. You can download a copy by CLICKING HERE




The location of the database and the settings for it are set in the section <connectionStrings> and there are three strings showing by default.

CardExchange® Visitor will always load the Application.MySettings.Database string, so instead of deleting one we can just change the naming.


Change Application.MySettings.Database to Application.MySettings.SQLite

Change Application.MySettings.MySQL to Application.MySettings.Database


You can now change the server/login credentials in the connection string and your file should then look like this:




Now save the configuration file and start CardExchange® Visitor. When CardExchange® Visitor is starting, it will now use the MySQL database you have just created.