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CardExchange® Producer Help




The General settings group box allows choosing the reader type, the serial port to which the reader is connected and the baud rate to be used. CardExchange® Producer does not support a lot of readers for encoding HID® Proximity. Currently we only support the OmniKey readers listed on our website.


PC/SC readers are only available when installed on your system. If the reader is not available, please make sure it is installed properly. You can click on the Refresh button to reload the list with available readers.   You are able to test if the connected reader is working and responding correctly. Click on the Test button to open the MIFARE® Reader Test window.




When pressing the Test button, CardExchange® Producer will try to connect with the reader and, if a card is present, it will try to read it. If the test succeed and the reader is working and a card is present on the reader, you will have two green lights.


When you have selected and tested the reader, you are done with the wizard and you can click Finish.


Compared to DESFire or Classic encoding, the HID definition does not contain any Data Items. The HID definition contains a set of items collected inside a MIFARE® item. Once your HID Proximity definition is configured, the MIFARE Item will be available as a Data source for objects such as text items or storage items, as indicated below with the red rectangle:


The HID definition created offers six different flavors to chose from:

Card number

Country code

Facility code

Number of bits

Raw data

State code