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External Plug In's

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External Plug-Ins is CardExchange® Producer most powerful and flexible custom functionality offered! An External Plug-In is basically a wrapper that can contain any possible functionality you can imagine. Most common is the embedding of third party SDK's. For example, want to embed a specific bio-metric fingerprint scanner, or a driver-license scanner, etc., we can simply embed the functionality of the readers into an External Plug-In and make the functionality available inside CardExchange® Producer. External Plug-Ins are developed by CardExchange Solutions and have quick turnarounds with low cost and offer unlimited possibilities to get into project business without spending thousands and thousands in customization.


How does it work?


When you have specific need for, for example, a finger print scanner, first contact your CardExchange® Producer Reseller. Inform them about what reader you want to use, if there is an SDK available, what you want to accomplish, for example, do you want to store the finger print image but also the template, etc.


The reseller will contact CardExchange Solutions for a quote and will get back to you with a price and time frame. When you decide to proceed with the External Plug-In, in most cases you will have to make a reader and the SDK available for CardExchange solutions and ship this to us or have your reseller ship it to us. Don't know your reseller? Please take a look in the Service Center and see who you reseller is to contact.