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CardExchange® Visitor Manual


Merge fields are a powerful feature within Microsoft Word that allow for easy merging of data into documents. CardExchange® Visitor utilizes this feature by allowing the user to define custom mappings between merge fields and person details.
Use the following procedure to insert merge fields into a Word document:



Inside Word, place the cursor in the position where the merge field is to be added. Head to the Insert tab -> Quick Parts -> Field…

The Field dialog window is now shown. Choose “Mail Merge” from the “Categories” combo box.

Choose “MergeField” from the “Field names” list box.

Enter the desired merge field name in the “Field name” text box and click “OK”. The merge field is now displayed in the document as «FieldName» (see “Merge field mapping example” for a detailed example).

Repeat steps 1 – 4 to insert more merge fields.

Note: Refer to “Importing and configuring documents” for steps on defining the mappings between merge fields and person details.