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User Authorizations are created and setup for a reason, and that reason is security. CardExchange® PriceTag offers advanced user authorizations with login functionality.


In order to create more control for the Administrators of CardExchange® PriceTag, we offer the ability to create user authorization levels. This helps limit user infractions and protect areas within CardExchange® PriceTag that the common user should not be utilizing. This high level security allows you to protect the software connections and functionality from user errors.


To enable the User Authorizations within CardExchange® PriceTag, first select Enable logins feature from the Configuration tab as indicated with the red rectangle.




When selecting a dialog will prompt for confirmation:




When you confirm this, the User Account-setup wizard will start.




In the section Create User Authorization we will explain how to create the users. To disable the User Authorizations, uncheck the Enable logins feature check box, a dialog will pop up:




And select Yes to disable the functionality.