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CardExchange® Producer Help

Navigation: Contactless Encoding

MIFARE® Classic

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CardExchange® Producer supports inline encoding and reading of MIFARE® Classic 1K and 4K cards. What information should be read or written can be configured by means of the MIFARE® Wizard, which will be the subject of this chapter. For a full understanding of the MIFARE® Wizard, it is essential to have knowledge about the functionality of the MIFARE® Classic chip. Please, refer to the MIFARE® Classic documentation published by NXP for more information

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It is possible that the MIFARE® Wizard does not offer all functionality you need to achieve your goals. For example, you might need functionality of the Classic protocol that is not configurable via the wizard, or special transformations of the database data before they can be written to the chip. For this type of situations, we can offer a solution by means of an External Plug In. Please, contact sales for more information about External Plug Ins.